Friday, June 12, 2009

Day in the Life of the Ole' Homestead...

So I'm so sure you have all been wanting an update on our household. Dan will take the Navy entrance test over again and if the scores are good will sign on the dotted line but from what I've heard the influx of citizens going into the service is huge so he would probably not report to basic til next spring. So he has a job as a logger over in west county. Tiff is finally getting a chance to get back to the J.C. She will be at school on the main canpus 4 days a week and then of course will always make her homework at the computer at the house first priority. Dave and I have been busy with our jobs and finally talked about maybe a family vacation in a few months to San Diego to see his favorite Uncle and Aunt. Phew, and in one month I'll be with Jana and sis Laura and her wild group in Sisters being overwhelmed by the annual Quilt Show in the beautiful Oregon Cascades. Have a great weekend and look for the Saturday quote, hopefully I'll find that Kalil Gibran book that I bought at last Saturday's friends of the library book sale and will regale you with something prosaic. Show of hands, who swooned as a young adult to the beautiful writings of Kalil?

1 comment:

Tricia McWhorter said...

Hand way up over here! In fact, I gave copies of The Prophet to both my daughters this past Christmas.