Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quote for the ending of June

I actually realize that the end of June is a few more days away but todays blog title sounded kind of dramatic and I'm in a bit of a melodramatic mood. All week I have asked myself if I could be brave enough to do what the Iranian people are doing to stand up to the powers that be in their country. If I could be as stand up as the reporters who only were doing what they felt was right in Korea. And I am no news junkie let me tell you but the world is so much smaller with facebook and webnews and everything that gets you breaking stories. If other people just continue to think as I do that I am just one small person what difference can I do, does that make me just a spectator in the world theater? I think I have to end this month with a promise to myself that I will continue to try harder to be someone who might make a difference even perhaps in a small way but the way to begin is take that step and start somewhere. Ok enough rambling, have a great weekend all of you.

"I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom"
Bob Dylan

Friday, June 26, 2009

Finally Friday

Friday finally! And it is also number one nephew's birthday, Andrew is 29 today. Happy Birthday! Tomorrow will be having some kind of peacefulness, D and T are off to their annual white water rafting trip at Cache Creek, should be a nice weekend for that. Grand dog will be staying with Ashley and Richard, she will get soooo spoiled. So watch for the Saturday quote and otherwise have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Changing of my e-mail

Any of you out there who are my blog followers, don't forget that I am changing e-mail address this weekend, We have decided that after living in the dark ages with only dial up at home for the computer, we are going with the "triple play" from Comcast. Brilliant daughter in law figured out that not only will we get high speed internet which will help her doing homework and any online JC clases she might want to take, but it will save us money on our long distance phone and cable to boot! So I may actually want to spend computer time at home when I'm not at work. And then we have to train dad, he's getting his own e-mail also, Dear goddess, give me patience...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fun time last night.

This is a shout out to my good friend Ray. Last night he admitted to being a follower of my blog. Hey there my man Ray! And he is retired so when there is a comedy show that comes to town he is first in line to get the goodseats, 2nd row for the Bill Engvall show at the Wells Fargo Center last night. What a great time we had with Ray and his darling wife Ofelia, get to catch up on life in general during a yummy dinner then on to the show. I LMAO till I almost PMP! Up and coming is Larry the Cable Guy, do I notice a comedy theme here? Well, as long as you can just keep on laughing...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer at last...

Thankfully the weather is warming and it stays light later, this summer girl needed these days to come along. And all the Mechlings are managing to be hospitable in our little house in the 'burbs. Kids took us to breakfast on father's day and gifted with a new table top bbq. Need to do a little more than sit around like a vegetable though. Thinking about throwing myself a yard sale this Saturday. Will help clear out the garage and then we can stuff more of D and T's boxes in there since the storage units are kind of pricey and would rather see them getting caught up on old bills and paying for the text books Tiff needs. Well, guess that's all, you have a great week now. Talk more soon.

Monday, June 22, 2009

19 days til vacation!

Is one allowed to start the vacation countdown once you get past 20 days? Well whether or not that is the rule, too bad I'm starting!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Solstice

I think I must have been a pagan in a past life, on the summer solstice I yearn to do ceremonial dancing in the forest and watch the twilight creeping oh so slowly, taking the last of the longest day of the year off to the horizon. Well, that isn't exactly poetic I know but if it's worth something I've got to tell you that I was at least trying to find muse today. Went with Marlene and had tea with my favorite poet in a "beauty spot" as Doris said while we looked from her terrace to a fabulous view of the valley. AGD regaled us with stories of his family and how he came to have his studio in this wonderful place. Since I was so priviliged to have been able to spend time with Armando, let's get a little excerpt from one of his books.
This is from his poem called "The Muse"
"Poetry barged through my door one day
There is no stealth in her movements...
She carresed, cuddled and had her way with me"
Armando Garcia Davila
(And there's lots more to taste where that little morsel came from!)
Now google him, find one of his books, purchase it and swoon.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dishevled day...

You ever have those days when you would just rather not get dressed? I have on the pants I hate, keep trying to give them to goodwill but always at the last minute drag them out. Do have on a new white golf shirt compliments of Fishman Supply, there were leftovers after the golf tourny a couple weeks ago. And then I am the wrinkle queen, never give myself time in the morning in case I need to iron and even if I could find the little tabletop ironing board, so my vest looks like it came out of a heap. Oh and let's not even talk about my hair, tomorrow is another day and since I have it off maybe a haircut is to be added to the growing list of activities! Jeez, with all my babbling I'm the crazy lady today...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday and still a bit wary...

Wednesday, the sun is shining, I only have one more day to work this week cause I get Friday off, and not a single crazy person in sight.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Once again, I'm not a morning person...

Ok, no one should have bizarre things happen to them when they first arrive at work in the morning, it makes your brain go cadie wompus or at least it does that to me. I'm sitting here at my desk just gearing up for the day and a very clean, normal looking woman comes to me and ask me to dial 911. She isn't all hysterical or anything so I asked "m'am what is your emergency so I can tell the police when they answer." She says perfectly straight faced "the devil worshippers were harrassing me last night at the beach." Of course I decide to call the police business number instead of 911 and as the woman walks calmly away I tell the officer on the phone that I think they need someone to come get a crazy woman on Industrial Avenue! Now tell me, would you have a normal day after starting your morning like that?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Juno etc.

Well the peacefullness is over, the campers returned yesterday afternoon. Now on to the usual routine. Oh and by the way, the 'burbs aren't really a good home for young labradour dogs to be raised, Juno is VERY energetic. Hope puppy school is on the agenda soon.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A little semblance of normalcy...

The newlyweds took Juno and went camping! The cats have come out of hiding, I have been doing the house cleaning that I didn't have the energy for all week, I went to critique group and will now embark on updating a year old story that the ladies gave fabulous insight to, what a great day. It's Saturday, here is the quote for the weekend:

"Be not satisfied with partial contentment, for he who engulfs the spring of life with one empty jar will depart with two full jars."
Kahlil Gibran

Have a great tomorrow.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day in the Life of the Ole' Homestead...

So I'm so sure you have all been wanting an update on our household. Dan will take the Navy entrance test over again and if the scores are good will sign on the dotted line but from what I've heard the influx of citizens going into the service is huge so he would probably not report to basic til next spring. So he has a job as a logger over in west county. Tiff is finally getting a chance to get back to the J.C. She will be at school on the main canpus 4 days a week and then of course will always make her homework at the computer at the house first priority. Dave and I have been busy with our jobs and finally talked about maybe a family vacation in a few months to San Diego to see his favorite Uncle and Aunt. Phew, and in one month I'll be with Jana and sis Laura and her wild group in Sisters being overwhelmed by the annual Quilt Show in the beautiful Oregon Cascades. Have a great weekend and look for the Saturday quote, hopefully I'll find that Kalil Gibran book that I bought at last Saturday's friends of the library book sale and will regale you with something prosaic. Show of hands, who swooned as a young adult to the beautiful writings of Kalil?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Honors Nephew!!!

And OMG! I totally spazed about congratulating my nephew Rob not only for all the accolades he received during graduation but also can you believe it, wait for the drum roll! He won the car at grad night. Selling that little Ford Focus will help bring in a little chunk of change to help towards college. You go Rob!


And I'm not even a dog person, though I tolerated old Oliver for 10 years but that Juno is the cutest thing. Seven month old female lab, basic black so every color kerchief that Tiff dress her in looks oh so fashionable. Other than that nothing else too new to post, still looks like a tornado blew through. It's hard to house four grown adults, two cats and one dog in a small 60's track home. Oh, and the back spasms have susided, at least I am getting some sleep now. Talk more soon.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And she cooks!

OMG! You should have been at my house last night, it smelled like a resturant. Tiffany made the most tasty wontons. YUM YUM.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Condensed version of the weekend

Friday, re-arranged living room furniture. Saturday, mainly dog sitting while D and T slept from the Friday night partying. Sunday, RWC meeting, fun speaker David Corbett who writes P.I. novels. Monday morning, here at the office. To be continued...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Nothing too new

It's Friday. What more needs to be said. Oh and don't tell Dave but I'm re-arranging furniture tonight with help from the kids while he's at Ana's class!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thankfully it's Thursday!

I have to tell you that last night I almost cried. Juno (the grand-dog) has been staying home with Tiffany since she is still looking for a job. Well, I guess Juno decided to bury something in the backyard flower patch. Tiffany felt so bad she went out and bought more flowers for dad in law to replace the ones dug up. Isn't that sweet, she is becoming a real part of the family very fast. Oh, and for those of you who were following the Navy count down, keep counting. Dan's scores on his testing were kind of low so will be retesting in a week or so. Almost Friday...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New York, New York!

I don't know why but I have been so homesick for New York lately. All I can think of is that I must have lived there in a past life because it felt so comfortable to me when we were there in November. After the 4 day whirlwind trip I was ready to move there. Of course I would want to have a lot of money in order to live in the manner I would want to be come accustomed to. I get a monthly e-mail newsletter, and it gives the festivities and events that are coming up, check it out if you are a frustrated Manhatten wannabe. Wouldn't either of these be fun, River Day or The Mermaid Parade!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Weather forcast

YEAH! We have intermittent sunshine although the forcast is possible showers later. Oh well, can't have everything. Other good news is that Lynn is going home from the hospital today and according to our friend Vicki, she seems 100% percent better. News from Oregon, nephew Rob had a great time on his grad visit to Six Flags and his mom will get to see his video from his new birthday/graduation gift today. Well, other than kind of feeling restless for the past few days guess that's all. Oh now I think I've figured out the restlessness, had the newlyweds move in over the weekend. Once I re-arrange some furniture I'll feel better...

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1st, yeah right.

What's with this weather? I'm freezing my ass off, but I refuse to wear socks or a jacket. Come on summer! Let's all chant, come on summer, come on summer...