Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back in School!

Whoo Hoo, back in school! Started a class on Thursday nights called Discovery Procedures. It's one I'll need for Legal Secretary. Thought I could try to be paralegal but at the age of 54 and a 1/2 by the time I finish I'll probably be 60. What was I thinking when I was taking things like comparative mythology and theater arts that I would all of a sudden figure out that I might someday need legitimate classes to go towards a degree. Oh well, what are you going to do except choose something that is in reach like legal secretary and see where that takes you. Will keep you posted. "-)

Friday, March 18, 2011

T 'n T travel to Virginia

What a whirlwind it took to get into the second week of March. The packers came Thursday, the movers came on Friday and Tiff and Tess took off on Saturday. The goal was for them to arrive in Virginia in time to party with the sailors on St. Patty's day and they made it! The final text (as they travel I make them text as they stop for the night) came our time Wednesday night @ 11ish saying they had made it to the house in Chesapeake and it was 2am their time. I didn't find out until the next day that on Wednesday they had not one but two flat tires, without that problem they probably would have saved a couple hours. So Navy mom can finally breath a sigh of relief that daughter in law and son are together where they belong and now they can finally make their own household and live happily ever after. To be continued... "-) P.S. And yes even though I'm not a dog person I sort of miss that cutie black lab Juno.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January summer

I swear that the last week the weather has been better than we even get in summer.  I went to girls gathering last Saturday night wearing crop jeans and flip flops and when I got home at 11:00 pm it was still not even really cold.  I think that was the day Tiff went to the beach and she said it was 70 degrees.  Poor sailor son on the Atlantic coast in Norfolk is freezing off his little back side in about 30-25 degrees.  And for a bit of update, looks like he's trying really hard to find a place for him and Tiff so looking good for her move the first of March.  Otherwise just trying to get some writing done for a couple of submission deadlines.  Will keep you posted.  "-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


HAHA, just had to make a post on 1/11/11.  Having Sailor son home is nice but as always seeing more of his stuff than of him.  But it's important to make sure that all the pals get their quality time with him and Mrs. Sailor since once he's back in Virginia won't be out west again for at least a year.  He gave a great little speech to my M.O.M.S. group last week thanking them for all the comforts of home packages during deployment.  Than had a nice dinner Sunday at a local pizza place, about 20 of the family were there which now include his in-laws.  He's here til next Tuesday then reporting for duty at the giant NAS in Norfolk and a couple months later Tiff will be  moving there.  That's going to be so great for the two of them, time to finally have their own little place and get on with happy marital bliss.  They do know that they have to get a place with room for mom and dad 'cause that's what will be on the upcoming summer agenda, a weeks visit to check out food and sites of their area and then hopefully a train ride to D.C. before coming home.  Well, that's all for now, stay warm and cozy during this awful cold spell.  More later.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year 1/1/11

Crazy that the year came to an end last night. Way to fast in my opinion. Usually people talk about what they want to have happen in the coming year, I've decided I want to say what I don't want to have happen in the upcoming year.

1. I don't want to lose anymore friends
2. I don't want to have a horrible jury duty
3. I don't want my kid deployed anywhere
4. I don't want to have debilitating allergies
5. I don't want to look at a dumpy house

Well, I think I'll stop there and see how the cosmos want's me to work these out. You make your own list and at the end of 2011 we can compare and see how things went.